To the Very last minute of 2016, If I didn't think the year could get any doper, this blessing was just as big as any. I got the news that I was featured in THE Crush Fashion Magazine. The shocking thing is that I was told that I didn't make it in the magazine a week prior and my exact words was, "That's quite alright. That just means I need to work harder and I have it in me."
This was a magical collaboration with a High Fashion Jewelry Designer by the name of Sasha Woods, aka Queen Junki of Ultimate Earring Junki. I admire this woman's drive, strength, and faith in her brand. For she never lets anyone mislead her away from her goal and she is the epitome of a Boss.
Fast forward to the very minute before walking into church for the New Year's Eve Party to bring in 2017, I get a message Congratulating me on my 4 page feature! OMG!!! This was literally the icing on the last minute of 2016. This was a great day.